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The information provided by the shipping calculator below is only an estimate, it is a tool provided to be used only as guidance for an estimated value of items. The figures calculated by use of this shipping calculator is based on data inputted by the user and therefore, Customer Service First (CSF) Couriers Limited has no control over this thus CSF Couriers Limited will not be held liable for any variation between the figures derived from use of this shipping calculator and actual charges incurred.


Your item cost + Estimated CSF shipping charges USD (Compare this with local item prices to ensure it's a good decision)
Description of charges Count
Your CSF invoice estimate 0.00 0.00
Your item cost + Estimated CSF shipping charges (USD to TTD Conversion Value = (6.80 )

Please click on the image below to visit the official website of the Trinidad and Tobago Customs and Excise to view the calculator.

TT Customs



The information received from use of this shipping calculator above is only and estimate as the name implies and in no way should be taken as the final cost you will be required to pay. The figures that are calculated by use of this shipping calculator is based on information that has been placed by the user and hence Customer Service First (CSF) Couriers Limited has no control over this thus CSF Couriers Limited will not be held liable for any variation between the figures derived from use of this shipping calculator and actual charges incurred.