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Become a CSF
Skybox Member

Register Now

What is it?

CSF is at its core an international skybox provider. If you wish to purchase items from international retailers, we provide you with a US Skybox Postal Address to send the packages. We Bring the World to You!
Registration is free! You pay based on the package, and you can use our one calculator to estimate the cost:
2-5 business days delivery time when collected in Miami to your Trinidad address. 4-7 business days for pickup or delivery in Tobago
  • Ability to purchase from international retailers.
  • We accept online Payments (VISA/Master/ Amazon Pay and PayPal).
  • Your online dashboard with much more after registration.
CSF will now assist our customers with no access to a credit card (or customers who would prefer not to use their cards online) to make online purchases. We will use our credit card facilities to purchase the item(s) on your behalf. NB this service is only being offered for Amazon purchases in the first instance
Yes, through your Member Dashboard We accept PayPal, Square, and Amazon Pay.
Only through our Couriers
Office: 225 - 4CSF (225 - 4273) OR 225 – 5273

Become a CSF
Domestic Delivery Merchant

Register Now
CSF offers a domestic delivery service for citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. If you own a business and are looking for ways in which you can deliver your products to interested buyers, you can use this service.
Registration is free! Our delivery packages start as low as TTD25.00 to all of our delivery locations.
Print your labels and request delivery 24-72 hours guaranteed from pickup date.
  • Access to CSF’s delivery fleet to deliver your package anywhere in Trinidad and Tobago at a low price.
  • You can use multiple pickup locations for your packages.
  • CSF can collect payments on your behalf (no cash, all payments CSF collects from your customers will include a 5% processing fee), but you can also make arrangements with your customers for payments.
CSF can promote your products on our Social Media Pages (for a nominal fee) and offer to assist other customers in purchasing your items through our Online Shopper service.
Yes, through your Member Dashboard We accept PayPal, Square, and Amazon Pay.
Only through our Couriers
Office: 225 - 4CSF (225 - 4273) OR 225 – 5273